Royal British Legion

Royal British Legion
The Royal British legion through the poppy fund have enabled the Allen and Endal partnership to keep on rolling for many more years to come Allen, a Royal Navy Gulf war veteran, suffered a head injury in the 1991 war which left him with severe physical and mental trauma, wheelchair bound and with short and long term memory problems. Endal, who hardly needs an introduction these days, is his loyal helping hound, who has been enabling Allen every day for the last 10 years. The RBL have replaced both of Allen's aging manual and power wheelchairs. Allen said most people tend to think of the poppy appeal as a fund raising for those injured in the world wars but the appeal helps so many of us that have served in more recent conflicts and their families. I found my self faced with nearly a thousand pound repair bill on my nine year old power chair and the war pension does not stretch that far. I take Endal for his walks three times a day over the South downs and my old wheelchair kept breaking down and had become so unreliable and in fact on one occasion I was left stranded for a couple of hours till help arrived. In desperation I contacted the British legion on the Monday and asked for help, on the very next day I was visited by the welfare representative, on the Wednesday I was being measured up by an Occupational therapist for a new power chair and on Thursday I was visited by the manual wheelchair fitter. The speed at which the RBL have moved to get me back on the move is breathtaking and really does show that they very reactive to those in desperate need. Every day in the press one reads of the casualties and fatalities being suffered by our servicemen and women. The effect on families and the injured can be catastrophic and the RBL through the poppy appeal can relieve so much suffering and hardship. Every penny that comes in to the poppy appeal makes such a real difference so please.... please support this year's appeal. From my own personnel experience the public's support can make the difference to those struggling to survive to enable them to have a real a quality of life. luv Allen and Endal 02392571992
Picture taken outside of Waitrose Left to right TS Avenger cadet Ellie Green, Leading Stores Accountant (LSA) Ian Simpson Royal Navy, Allen Parton and Endal, Waitrose store manager Craig Lancaster, RBL welfare officer Jim Warwick, Operator Mechanic (OM) William Johnston Royal Navy and Cadet Chloe Meredith
Allen and Endal, I can't begin to tell you how PLEASED I am that you have commented on my blog. I have watched that "Dogs with Jobs" episode at least 5 times - every time it was on in repeats and every chance I got. I loved the way that Endal seemed to suddenly understand that his life had meaning because he was helping you. And I loved how you were portrayed as suddenly having a better life because of Endal. Every time I tell anyone about that tv show, I tell them about the best episode ever, which was your story.
And now, out of the blue, you have told me that you and Endal are still going strong and that Endal even has a blog! You never know, after you see something on tv, what the participants are doing afterwards. And with dogs, I always fret that their too short lives may have ended before I ever knew, because I don't know when the show was filmed and I don't know what might have happened thereafter.
Anyway, I am going to repeat much of this in the next "Puppywalking" blog entry and you may suddenly get more traffic on your blog because I know there are some readers of my blog who may not know yours. I wish you both well.
Dear Allen,
I think another reason that I have an affinity for not just Endal but you is my background as an army brat. As well, my maternal grandfather and his brothers were in World War I and my great uncle Thain MacDowell won the Victoria cross. Closer to home, my Dad was in the Canadian Armed Forces for his whole career until he retired at the age of 55. Near the beginning, before he even met Mum, he was in Korea as a very young Lieutenant and has recently written a book about it.
I grew up on military bases in Canada, the U.S. and spent the last two years of high school at SHAPE in Belgium. It was a growing-up worthy of envy by most. In any event, I have the greatest of respect for members of the military and those especially who have served in active campaigns.
I wish you and your family all the best in the future. Should you ever find yourself in Canada, please let me know!
For years I've bought a poppy on "Poppy Day" - but have never been quite sure where the money goes and in more recent years have wondered about that link to the World Wars. So glad to know that the little I donate is able to help people like you.
Please give Endal a huge cuddle from me! :-)
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